Anaïs Dubois – French Teacher in Bordeaux

About me

Your French teacher in Bordeaux

I am Anaïs, your teacher of French as Foreign Language. I have always loved meeting new people, discovering new cultures, discussing different subjects and debating current topics.

I had the opportunity to live abroad for a year, in Australia, to improve my English. This trip taught me a lot by putting myself in the learner’s place, and I then realized that I really enjoyed promoting the French language and France. When I returned home, I decided to become a French teacher for foreigners.

With more than 10 years of experience, in Montpellier and then in Bordeaux, I am now an experienced teacher, still very passionate about my job and this passion is still growing! Having a positive impact in the lives of my learners is a real source of fulfillment, and I am always ready for a new linguistic challenges. So don’t hesitate to contact me to start learning French 🙂 

Learning French is a journey that never ends...

How I work

My learners, whether they are studying in a major school, moving in France for work, or just aiming to improve their linguistic skills, always have the same request: they want to acquire modern, active and operational use of the language… And I understand that perfectly! During my stay in Australia, I experienced the same thing and I often learned better (and more) working in a restaurant with a simple conversation, than taking classes which could sometimes feel very long.

This is why, for my own lessons, I have always worked with materials that are as close as possible to real communication contexts. For example, I use a lot of authentic documents, from real situations, and I favor the practice of a communicative and actionable method.

Of course, to help you if you are a complete beginner, during the first lessons I can speak English, a bit of Spanish and a few words of Japanese.

My academic background and professional experience

After completing a degree in English at Paul Valery University in Montpellier, I decided to do a Master’s degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language.

I then quickly began teaching as a self-employed (from 2013) and in several recognized language schools such as: Accent Français in Montpellier, France Langue Bordeaux, L’alliance Française de Bordeaux and Kedge Business School Bordeaux.

I currently continue to give lessons to Erasmus students from Political Sciences Bordeaux alongside my private lessons.

For my private lessons, I teach learners of various ages, various levels and various nationalities! The profiles I meet are all very different. They are exchange students, expatriate employees, retirees, families coming for vacation… I also have remote students (taking lessons by videoconference) who I was able to meet when they spent their holidays in France. Some of my students take lessons for two weeks, and others for 6 years!

I am also a school educator for a medical-social center in which I take care of the education of young French people with psychological and academic difficulties.